Tuesday, November 8, 2011

To Stitch or Not To Stitch...

Well, we knew it was bound to happen....
Everett slipped off his chair at school and hit his chin on the edge of the table. It wasn't too deep but there was still that question - do we stitch or just use a band aide. After visiting the pediatrician and speaking to Papa Roger Simpson I decided to head to the ER.  Since it was just a small cut, we had them use Derma bond which is like a glue.  It was definitely easier than strapping him down. Everett was such a champ! When they used a device to squirt water directly into the cut he didn't make a peep.  I was so proud of him.  Now Everett Daddy & Mommy all have matching scars under their chins!

At Pediatrician

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