Monday, November 15, 2010


Although not completely potty
trained yet, Everett loves to
wear his undies all the time. Recently he wanted to put them on all by himself. We told him to go get them from his drawer and he could put them on...
BIG MISTAKE! He grabbed every pair and insisted on putting ALL of them on. It was really cute and a good quiet activity for everyone!

Big Boy Bed

Well it was about that time...

Everett has never been a good sleeper and for the last month he would not go to bed pleasantly and would get up during the night. We tried everything from a different night time routine, different ceiling slideshows, pillow, no pillow, nightlight - EVERYTHING. So we decided to try a toddler bed. It took a day or 2 but he LOVED IT! Now WE can sleep through the night. He has done pretty well with not getting out of the bed until its "morning time". It's very sweet because he will come out of his room in the morning, come over to my side of the bed, rub my arm and say Good Morning Mommy". I can definitely say that hearing his little voice is the best way to wake up!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Apples & Pumkins & Halloween Oh My!


This year was the first time we went Apple Picking.
Everett ate so many apples in 1 day. I loved that we could try the apples before we took them home. It was a lot of fun - Everett was completely Appled Out and took a long snooze on the way home!

I'm the King of the APPLES!


Well... this year we took the trip! We went all the way out east (or as Ivan likes to call it, ENGLAND) with the fam! Although it was FREEZING - we all had a great time. Everett was running around the field having a ball!


So...Last year's costume was Skeleton Pajama's because Everett wouldn't wear anything on his head. This year he wanted to be a dinosaur/dragon and we couldn't find anything that worked for him. After weeks of searching and returning costumes I went with something EASY - Race car driver! He actually loved it. We went trick or treating with the Volpe's and this year Everett's favorite treat was GOLDFISH!