Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Same Faces

Somehow, and not on purpose, Everett and I seem to make the same faces. I have only noticed this when it is caught on camera. Who knows how many times a day we have the same expressions! I guess its a mother son thing!

Monday, November 15, 2010


Although not completely potty
trained yet, Everett loves to
wear his undies all the time. Recently he wanted to put them on all by himself. We told him to go get them from his drawer and he could put them on...
BIG MISTAKE! He grabbed every pair and insisted on putting ALL of them on. It was really cute and a good quiet activity for everyone!

Big Boy Bed

Well it was about that time...

Everett has never been a good sleeper and for the last month he would not go to bed pleasantly and would get up during the night. We tried everything from a different night time routine, different ceiling slideshows, pillow, no pillow, nightlight - EVERYTHING. So we decided to try a toddler bed. It took a day or 2 but he LOVED IT! Now WE can sleep through the night. He has done pretty well with not getting out of the bed until its "morning time". It's very sweet because he will come out of his room in the morning, come over to my side of the bed, rub my arm and say Good Morning Mommy". I can definitely say that hearing his little voice is the best way to wake up!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Apples & Pumkins & Halloween Oh My!


This year was the first time we went Apple Picking.
Everett ate so many apples in 1 day. I loved that we could try the apples before we took them home. It was a lot of fun - Everett was completely Appled Out and took a long snooze on the way home!

I'm the King of the APPLES!


Well... this year we took the trip! We went all the way out east (or as Ivan likes to call it, ENGLAND) with the fam! Although it was FREEZING - we all had a great time. Everett was running around the field having a ball!


So...Last year's costume was Skeleton Pajama's because Everett wouldn't wear anything on his head. This year he wanted to be a dinosaur/dragon and we couldn't find anything that worked for him. After weeks of searching and returning costumes I went with something EASY - Race car driver! He actually loved it. We went trick or treating with the Volpe's and this year Everett's favorite treat was GOLDFISH!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Let's Get Ready

Everett started his pre-pre school on September 15th. So far he is doing great. It took him a few days to get comfortable but is loving it! He is Ms. Marisol's FAVORITE student. He had no problem with the nanny leaving him after the 2nd week. He is such a big boy! Here are some highlights of his first couple months and PAJAMA DAY!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dry Cleaning

In our apartment, and in most NYC apartments, there is a built in hamper in the bathroom. We use this hamper for all our dry cleaning. Sometimes Everett likes to take the hand towels off the rack and throw them in there - we have caught him doing this a few times or we have found a hand towel hanging out of the top. Well...last week when our dry cleaning was returned, there was a very small item in plastic - it was his little sweatpants. I think it's very funny that the dry cleaners even cleaned them. Only in NYC!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

One with Sea

During the summer we were able to take advantage of "The Roocke Pontoon". Everett really loves being out on the boat and takes it all in. This past weekend we went out to Short Beach for a quick visit. On our way out there Everett was pointing at the buoy's and didn't know what they were. When I told him the name of them he couldn't exactly pronouce it so it came out as Boobies! The whole time he kept waving at them saying "Hi Boobies - Hi Boobies!" Once we got to the beach Everett, Ivan and I took a nice nature walk and found some horseshoe crabs which Everett determined were DINOSAURS! (Too cute). After our walk, Uncle Charles helped Everett dig a hole which started out small but progressed quickly to be HUGE. Everett loved every minute of it! We are looking forward to many more boat trips next summer!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Foxwoods 2010

Such a great place to relax and PARTY with my longtime friend. We had the best time!!

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Well after 5 torturous haircuts we have decided to give Everett a BUZZ. It was the most logical thing to do given how fast his hair grows and how much he battles getting his hair cut. It came out pretty cute!

Here are some pics - before, during and after:

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Shoe Fetish

Everett has definitely inherited his passion for shoes from both his parents. He is all about putting on every shoe he sees these days - except for his own of course. Here are some pictures of his recent finds!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Everett's First Wedding

Michele and Ross were married on June 26, 2010. Everett was invited for pictures. We were a little apprehensive on how he would do given his terrible 2's and all. But he was a BIG hit. He really enjoyed it and we got some great shots!!!


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

That's How Ev Rolls

Everett loves to do laundry with us. He loves running around the basement and hiding in the corners and he loves putting the money in the machines. Most of all he loves his transportation to the laundry room. He is very helpful with holding the money and making sure all the laundry stays in the basket. Our little helper!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Well to say Everett is a picky eater would be an understatement. But he sure does surprise us sometimes. After trying to give him a choice of pasta, chicken sticks and a fruit shake we moved on to parmesan cheese and YUP he loves it! He is definitely his mother's son!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Blood Work

This morning we took Everett to have his blood taken. Ivan sat in the chair with him and I was in charge of holding his arm. I think I was more nervous than Everett. Well... when the needle went in I closed my eyes and held on to Everett's arm really tight. After the first vile was full the nurse moved on to the next and the blood wasn't coming out that quick. I thought that maybe I was squeezing his arm to tight so I released my grip a little - BIG MISTAKE! Everett pulled his arm back, the needle came out and blood was shooting out of his arm. Well of course there wasn't enough blood in the second vile so we had to move to the other arm! I felt so horrible I almost cried. Poor little guy!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hot and Humid!

Today was a very hot day - high of 92 degrees. Of course Everett wanted to be outside all day. When he had enough of the park we took him to the roof. Ivan took out the hose for him to cool off. He loved it!

Potty Mouth Toddler

So it's definitely confirmed - Everett curses!

A few weeks ago I dropped something and said "Oh Sh*t" and a little voice behind me repeated it. I wasn't too sure but then later that weekend he was gardening with Grandma and he dropped some dirt and out came Oh Sh*t in his little voice! Although it was funny at first he is using it often in the right context. Just last night I said it again and not even a second later Everett whispered oh sh*t - I really have to watch what I say!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Crusin' in NYC

Everett has really been enjoying his "Ride" these days. He loves to take his car out and cruise around town. Yesterday evening we went to go meet Ivan at the bus and Everett brought his cell phone. For 2 blocks he was talking on his phone while driving saying Hello Dada - Hello.... It was way too cute!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bet you don't have one of these....

Everett loves balloons just as much as the next 2 year old. So... last week he was at the deli looking up at a balloon they had above the sandwich counter. I guess the guy behind the counter couldn't resist his cute little face - so he gave it to him. I think Everett could be the only kid in NYC with a Boars Head EverRoast Chicken Balloon!

Monday, May 10, 2010

How to Deal with the Terrible 2's...

...CAGE EM'. Although Everett has had his Terrible 2 moments we didn't really cage him. This past weekend he was at the Versaci's house and crawled into their dog's cage. It was all his doing .... really.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The "O" Face

When Everett is excited or shocked he puts on his "O" face. It usually lasts about 30 seconds and he is really good at it!