Tuesday, September 28, 2010

One with Sea

During the summer we were able to take advantage of "The Roocke Pontoon". Everett really loves being out on the boat and takes it all in. This past weekend we went out to Short Beach for a quick visit. On our way out there Everett was pointing at the buoy's and didn't know what they were. When I told him the name of them he couldn't exactly pronouce it so it came out as Boobies! The whole time he kept waving at them saying "Hi Boobies - Hi Boobies!" Once we got to the beach Everett, Ivan and I took a nice nature walk and found some horseshoe crabs which Everett determined were DINOSAURS! (Too cute). After our walk, Uncle Charles helped Everett dig a hole which started out small but progressed quickly to be HUGE. Everett loved every minute of it! We are looking forward to many more boat trips next summer!!!

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