Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Sock Drawer

Everett's new thing is taking things out of everything. He fills up and dumps out all his toys into buckets, he throws his toys into the seat of his Exersaucer and now he has found his most favorite "take it out" place...Daddy's Sock Drawer! Yesterday morning Ivan left his sock drawer open and then left the room. Everett was hanging with me while I was drying my hair. He wandered over to the dresser and the next thing we know he has gotten his hands on Daddy's socks. It was adorable, I leaned over the bed to see what he was doing and he just laughed. He loved throwing the socks on the floor. Too cute!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Too too cute. I love the mischief...especially when it's someone elses boy causing it! He is such a smart little boy. Love him!