Wednesday, May 14, 2008

We're Growing

Everyone is growing!


Alex, Lauren, AJ and Dylan Matrale said...

You look SOOOO great - all belly - I love how the string on your pants moves just a liiiittttttle further away in that last pic! Love the ultrasound pic too - Thanks for sharing!

Melissa said...

I love that you put the numbers on your legs (of course you did!). I love that your shoes are in a perfect black white black white pattern. And I especially love that you have a healthy baby boy growing in your tummy! Can't wait for him to come!!!

Alex, Lauren, AJ and Dylan Matrale said...

8 months!!! You look absolutely wonderful!!! Hope you are feeling well!

Alex, Lauren, AJ and Dylan Matrale said...

11 days left - SO CLOSE!!!! You look great - can't wait to see pics of that baby boy!!!!