Wow - it really went fast. This past year Everett has really grown into such a sweet boy. I think the 3's are my favorite so far. He has developed into a little man - he is just the funniest and kindest kid ever. We are looking forward to seeing him grow in Pre-K next year. Here are 2 shots from his first day and last day of school.
So we decided to find out the sex of the baby a different way this time. We had the doctor put the sex in an envelope. I practiced with Everett how to spell boy & girl. We had Everett open the envelope and tell us what we were having....
Every Monday Everett has soccer practice with his 3 closest buddies - Ryder, Bryan & Brendan. They all have such a great time and we are sad that its now over. We hope to have many playdates with the boys this summer!