Everett is one lucky boy. For his first birthday he had 3 parties! 1 on his actual birthday, 1 at the Gabel's and 1 at the Roocke house. He is just too popular to have 1 party! There was no way that I could have planned these parties without help from my sister Jennifer. At the Gabel's we set up a mini circus in the back yard. We borrowed a great ball pit from my Aunt & Uncle, we set up a pop out tent, Jenn made personalized beach balls and piggy bank party favors and we put out anything else that could be outside. The next day we had Everett's final party at the Roocke's. Jennifer and Ally decorated the house, put out some toys and a mini ball pit and made everything look amazing. Thanks sisters and brother! My entire family is the best! Thank you Dad, Nancy & Jeff for graciously letting us host Everett's first birthday at your homes. You are truly wonderful. Everett is so so lucky to have such amazing grandparents and Aunts & Uncle's.